Saturday, March 1, 2014

Sesame infused baked tofu & veg bowl

Sesame infused & Baked Tofu
Being featured in a newspaper has spurred many spontaneous food conversations.  In one of these, someone told she had made it clear to her daughters that when they're taking care of her later in life, to promise now that they would "never serve her tofu".  The implication was that to eat this soy based wunderkind was a fate worse than death.  How unfortunate that so many people are missing out on a good thing.

Not only is tofu good for you (and a good eco choice if you care about the other 7 billion people on the planet) but it has versatility when in the hands of a venturesome cook.

Today's example shows the way, but the script is malleable to whatever ingredients you have on hand.

Step 0. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Step 1.  Drain the tofu and assemble Honey, oil of your choice, flavoring of your choice and sesame seeds
Step 2. Microwave the liquids for 45 seconds.  Cut the tofu into 1" squares and gently stir in the heated sauce.  Place onto a parchment lined baking pan.
Step 3. Bake for 20 minutes.  Gently turn the tofu squares and return to the oven to bake another 20 minutes.
Step 4. Done... now doesn't that look tasty?
Step 5. Separately, steam whatever veg you want to use.  I have carrot and pea pods.  After steamed and drained, add the tofu.
Step last. Serve with rice noodles and spicy Schezuan sauce.

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