Saturday, February 16, 2013

creamy chicken wild rice soup

Let the soup brigade continue unabated!

Today's entry is my first attempt at chicken wild rice soup, made pseudo creamy.  I'm not a fan of goopy soups, but I do enjoy creamy.

The soup was inspired by this recipe:

Find a good bird, cover with water and gentle boil it until its done, but not done done.
(I purchased my 4lb'er from the fine butchers at Fareway Foods - $7)

Carefully remove the bird.  What remains is your broth.
Use tongs to pull the meat away and then use two forks in a pulled-pork motion... and you'll end up with what's in the bowl.
Place the bones on parchment and bake for 15-20 minutes.  Don't worry about getting every piece of meat off.  Once browned, add them to the broth you've just made and simmer.
 Minnesota Wild Rice.  The bag said "extra fancy".  I'd settle for "extra tasty".
Not exactly the trinity.  Celery, carrots and baby portobellas. Saute onion (I used shallot) and then add the three amigos.  After five, add the broth.  Then the chicken.  Then the rice.  Then some cream.

Lastly, make a roux.

Don't forget to package up a togo dinner for your wife and co-worker.

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